Roast potatoes

Side Dishes —
ESSE roast potatoes

Serves 4

  • 1 lb (450g) King Edward potatoes
  • 1 oz (25g) Goose fat, dripping or 1 tbsp rapeseed oil
  • 1 tbsp Plain flour (or a mixture of polenta, ground rice, seasoning and mixed herbs)


Oven: ESSE 220 (thermodial at about 25 past the hour)
Prepare ahead: 24 hours, reheat on 2nd runners in 220 oven for 10 minutes in a shallow tin
Freeze: Yes. Reheat from frozen on 2nd runners in 220 oven for 25 minutes in a shallow tin

  1. If using dripping or goose fat, set in a bowl on the back of the cooker to melt.
  2. Line a shallow roasting tin with greaseproof paper. Cut the potatoes into even sized pieces. Put into a pan of cold water. Cover, bring to the boil, and simmer for a minute. Drain then add the flour or polenta mixture. Shake well, then pour in the fat and shake again.
  3. Tip the coated potatoes into the tin and hang from the second set of runners and cook for about an hour, until crisp and golden.

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